The latest in the Axis Series which is also a new Vitreograph.
Category archives: Vitreography
Vitreography (New Print)
New proof prints from “Netscape” a set of three 12mm glass plates – combination of
Vitreography Prints
The first prints from the first engraved and sand blasted plates – all went well – no broken plates!! Very vibrant colours and brilliant paper white.
The surface from which the image is printed. Most commonly, copper or zinc plates in etching, stone or aluminium in lithography, woodblock or lino in relief printing & glass in vitreography.
First Glass
A series of trial glass plates made from recycled 12mm plate glass have been made. These have both engraved marks and sand-blasting on and will be inked up for trial printing. They represent the first attempts into the research and application of “VITREOGRAPHY” !